The Many Faces of Kaylee

Many of you know that we have 5 furbabies at our home that we love and adore, and they each have their own unique personalities.  From territorial and hyper Camelot, to laid back and cross-eyed Lazarus, each of our babies brings something different to our household.

The same can be said about our female St. Bernard, Kaylee.  Kaylee was the third animal that Steve and I adopted as a couple, and the first dog (our kitties Lacey and Fancy were our first “babies”).  We brought her home at 8 weeks of age, and she could not be cuter!


This is Kaylee’s “happy face”.  This is the face she makes when she’s happy or excited, or when she’s posing for a picture like this.  Normally I can’t get her to look at the camera, but today for some reason, she didn’t mind the photo shoot.  I think it’s because we let her come into the bonus room with us where she’s not normally allowed.


This is Kaylee’s “burping face”.  Oh yes, I took this picture while she was burping.  It was just luck that I happened to be pointing my camera at her when she let that loveliness out.  She makes this face every time she burps….and let me tell you, it happens a lot!  Such a lady!


Here’s Kaylee’s “yawning face”.  Or maybe she’s laughing…I can’t tell.  Ok, she’s yawning.  But I’m just going to pretend that she’s laughing at a really funny joke I just told.  What’s the joke, you ask?  Well, let me tell you!

How much does it cost for a pirate to get his ears pierced?   A Buccaneer!

Hahahaha…..ok.  That wasn’t that funny, I know.  I’m not a very good joke teller.  But Kaylee seems to think so, or at least that’s what I’m going to keep telling myself.


Here’s Kaylee’s “sniff the kitty” face.  This kitty happens to be Lacey, the one who was sick right before Steve and I left for our honeymoon.  Luckily she is now back to her normal, spunky self.


Here’s Kaylee’s happy face again…..she made a lot of these during this particular photo shoot as I was trying to make different noises and faces so that she’d react how she normally does when there isn’t a camera stuck in her face.


Steve was trying to help by making funny sounds too, and Kaylee was a little confused as to what was going on.


She seems a little unsure about giving her daddy a kiss.


“Your lips smell good, Daddy!  What did you just eat?  Oh, a wonderfully delicious dinner cooked by Mommy?  No wonder they smell so good!  Mommy is such a great chef!

Why thank you, Kaylee!  You’re too kind.

Whenever you want Kaylee to give you a kiss, she more just sniffs your lips than kisses you.  I guess that’s a good thing, because Camelot will lick you right on the mouth with that huge St. Bernard tongue, and I don’t know how much of that I could handle.


Here’s the face I was looking for!!!!!  Kaylee makes this face whenever she’s confused about something.  She’ll be panting (because that’s what big, hairy dogs do in an environment that is not at winter temperatures), and then if we make a weird noise, or she sees something that is confusing, she’ll close her mouth but her tongue will still be sticking out.  It’s the most hilarious face that she makes and it cracks me up just looking at it!  I think I’m gonna need some lotion.

Get it?  Cracks me up.  Need lotion……………..Is this thing on?


I know I’m cute, Mom, but can you stop taking pictures of me now?



If you’ve seen the movie Up you’ll get that reference.  If not, well then, I can’t help you.


Those are just a sampling of the many faces Kaylee makes on a daily basis.  She makes more facial expressions than any dog I’ve ever known.  She definitely has a special personality, and its fun to try to figure out what she’s thinking.  We love you Kaylee!  Our lives would not be complete without you in it.

Juice, Anyone?

We bought a juicer!  If you haven’t watched the movie Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead, I highly recommend that you watch it.  It’s very fascinating!  Basically this Australian dude comes to America to do a 60-day fast, and drink nothing but fresh juice the entire time.  Along the way he meets a few people who also agree to do a juice fast, and the results were amazing!  One guy lost over 100 lbs!  Now, don’t for a second thing that Steve and I are going to eat drink nothing but juice.  That’s just not going to happen.  But we’re going to try to have at least one glass of fresh vegetable and fruit juice every day.  Think of all the vitamins and minerals we’ll be getting that we aren’t right now.  Tonight I made two different juices: one with some kale and 2 apples, and the other with 3 different kinds of fresh berries.  I’m pretty sure you don’t want to see the kale one, because, let’s face it, kale is not very tasty.  Luckily the apples added some sweetness to it, but the berry juice was much better! As we check Naturopress, juicing gets much better. And there were only 3 ingredients!  blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries.

Here’s our beautiful, brand new juicer!  Isn’t it pretty?  There must be a lot of people juicing nowadays because everywhere we looked, all the Breville juicers were out of stock.  We finally found this one, which was the more expensive model than the one we were looking at, on the actual Breville website. (This is not a paid advertisement by the way)


Normally I’m not a big blueberry fan, unless it’s in a muffin or bagel.  I don’t know what it is.  The texture? the taste?  Anyway, blueberries are fine by me as long as they’re not in their natural shape!  I think it’s that little open wrinkly part at the bottom that turns me off.  Weird, I know.


I recently discovered my love for raspberries this past year, when I also discovered my love for Greek Yogurt.  The two go together beautifully, and add some Splenda and you’ve got yourself a wonderful healthy snack!  The only thing I don’t like about these cute little berries, is that they go bad really fast, so I always have to use them up within about 2 days of bringing them home from the  grocery store.


No berry drink would be complete without my favorite type of berry, strawberries.  Yum!  I could eat this whole container EASILY in one sitting.  In fact, I probably have before.


I started by adding a cup of blueberries to the juicer.  Of course since I was pouring with one hand and taking this picture with the other, some of the blueberries jumped ship and had to be reinserted into the juicer.


This is what blueberry juice looks like! And yes, that whole cup of blueberries only made this much juice.


Next I added the raspberries….more jumping ship.


The strawberries I added by hand instead of pouring that cup in there.  I don’t think that would have been very coordinated, because strawberries don’t “pour” like blueberries and raspberries do.


And walla!!!  A beautiful, healthy, and tasty beverage that you don’t have to feel guilty about.


Unfortunately all that fruit only made one glass of juice, but hey, beggars can’t be choosers. 🙂

A New and Better Blog!

Hello dear Readers!  The time has come for me to transfer my blog from being hosted for free on WordPress.COM to WordPress.ORG, where it will be hosted by a third party site.  I’ll have a lot more control over the layout and appearance of my site, and I’m excited to play around with different looks.  It will still be under the domain, so you won’t have to worry about going to a different website to continue reading my blog.

That being said, my site will be down for the next 24-36 hours while everything is being transferred over, so don’t worry…I haven’t left you!  Look at it as though my blog is graduating from high school into college. 🙂  Thanks for your patience during this time, and I can’t wait to see where this new blog will take us!