We’ve made some good progress on the Smokey House rehab. For the past few days we’ve been concentrating on painting the ceilings and some of the trim. Boy has that been a painful task! Painting ceilings is super hard on the neck, shoulders, and arms. But the transformation has been incredible! See for yourself!
It’s a little hard to see in this picture, but Steve painted the ceiling on the left, which is above the living room, and the ceiling on the right (over the dining room) is unpainted. You can tell that the ceiling on the right has more of a yellow tinge to it.
This might be a better picture to show you just how yellow the ceilings were. See that area around the base of the ceiling fan that’s really brownish yellow? That’s what the entire ceiling looked like! It’s amazing what some paint can do.
Here’s what Steve’s face looked like after a day of painting ceilings. 🙂
And here’s what Steve looks like after a day of painting ceilings, while holding Lazarus, and without a shirt on. 🙂
He also painted this door. You don’t realize just how yellow all the doors are until you paint one of them white. Incredible.
Here I am painting the trim, which also had a yellow tinge. Maybe I should have named this house the Yellow Tinge House instead of the Smokey House.
(Holy Cow! After seeing this picture I can tell how badly my roots have grown out! I need to make a hair appointment quick!)
Here’s a great before and after picture. The door frame on the right has been painted, the one on the left…..obviously has not.
It’s just amazing that this is what smoking in your house does. If that’s not a reason to quit smoking, or at least to smoke outside, I don’t know what is!
We discovered a leak in the laundry room.
It started out as just a tiny bit of water around the wall below the hot and cold water pipes that the washing machine connects to. We didn’t think much of it because a little water had dripped out when we removed the washer, so we thought that was what it was from.
But when we returned a couple days later, it had gotten much worse. Luckily we found a plumber at a VERY reasonable price that will be fixing a leaky toilet, sink, and this leak in the laundry room.
It’s been a very tiring and painful couple weeks….
But at least I have this handsome man to keep me company.