Well, it’s finally happened! I’ve kept my word, and the pictures I said I was going to share with you have finally come!
This past week and weekend we have been very busy bees! Tuesday night, Steve went out with Rustin and his friends for a bachelor night full of……..well…..whatever it is that bachelors do….minus the strippers. All I know for sure is that Rustin most likely did not remember the entire evening. Or probably most of the entire week, for that matter. He had a “bachelor week”, and much to my delight, Steve only participated in that one evening instead of the entire week of bachelor madness.

So, getting back to the rehearsal dinner, which took place Friday, May 27th. It was Hawaiian themed, and the first things I noticed when we got there were these awesome centerpieces. Live fish! Now, granted, this type of goldfish usually don’t last more than a month or so before they die, but when I was little, I remember keeping one alive for at LEAST a year. I know. Impressive.

Here’s Jen, one of the 3 bridesmaids. Doesn’t she have beautiful, blue eyes? They draw you in!

Steve was in the wedding too. One of Rustin’s 5 groomsmen. Isn’t it usually the bride who ends up having a hard time narrowing down who the bridesmaids are gonna be, and eventually ends up with more attendants than the groom? Well not this time apparently. He’s got beautiful, blue eyes too. 🙂 Please, Lord, let our children get his eye color, but my 20/20 vision! That would be awesome! Thanks for listening!

Here’s where the ceremony took place. Ceremony and reception were held in the lovely backyard of Rustin’s parents, Eric and Wendie.

Look at that happy groom! But then again, he is always cracking jokes, so this is nothing new.

Back up, sista! Rustin can never be serious…….as I mentioned in my toast at the wedding. 🙂

Can you guess what Rustin is doing here?

How about now?

That’s right. He’s dancing down the aisle.

We all danced down the aisle.

Shake that booty, Steve!

Yes, even I got in on the dancing action! Hey, it’s what they wanted, so I obliged! Note: There will be no dancing down the aisle at my wedding!

Elizabeth didn’t dance. She’s the bride. She can do whatever she wants!

So we ran through the ceremony only one time, I believe, and we didn’t really even go through the whole thing. We just practiced where we’d stand and when Elizabeth would hand me her bouquet, etc.

Then we practiced walking out. I didn’t get to walk out with Steve, unfortunately. And it made it a little awkward, because on the day of the wedding, I was wearing 4 inch heels, so I was significantly taller than Eli, the best man.

Here’s the beautiful bride, Elizabeth, with Krista, another bridesmaid.

Bride and maid of honor. In about 40 days, those rolls will be reversed! 🙂

The bride with all her bridesmaids.

Then, of course, Steve being the class clown that he is had to come and jump into our picture.

Then one by one, each bridesmaid’s hubby came and took a picture with us girls.

Can you guess which man belongs with which lady?

Ah yes, the Dr. Evil shot. Don’t ask me why we did this pose.

Rustin had handed out some victory cigars. Victory for what? I’m not sure. Getting through the rehearsal? His last day as a single man?

Yes, you’re all very cool. But I don’t think you’ll make it into the mafia.

See that pool in the background? Just keep that in mind for a future post. 🙂

Best Friends Forever!!! I can’t believe I’ve only known Elizabeth for a year, and already we are so close. I feel like I’ve known her my whole life!

Love you, girlfriend! <3